Tuesday, 9 November 2010

To blog or not to blog?

I had been toying with the idea of 'blogging' tonight or not as I wanted to get an early night (bla bla bla) when I just decided that I may as well. Perhaps then mine and Graces posts will begin to spill out in an unstoppable manner...
I was going to write about those days (of which I had one today) when you just want to kill everybody and everything and it rains and its soooo bloody cold. The weather definitely seems to be having a gloomy effect on everyone at the moment with so many people off school..
I think that everyone could do with a random week of summer. One short, intense burst of sun and sea and blue sky for a week. Lush, no?
So, I must be a rockstar queen and dash off to bed for 10 o'clock but I suppose what I wanted to say was that we should conquer this weather and try and feel and act like we do in summer. I'm gonna try. FAMOUS LAST WORDS. Will try to remember to update!! 
Bon nuit and bisous 
Lara x